After having surgery in December to help fight cancer, country music artist Raul Malo is beginning the new year with some well-earned time off.

Following the new year, the Mavericks star announced the transfer on Instagram.

In a video that was uploaded to the band’s account, Malo said, “I wanted to give you an update on my health as we go through this journey.”As some of you are aware, on December 10th, I underwent liver surgery. We are in the fourth week of recovery after they successfully removed a liver tumor, and they estimated that it would take four to six weeks. Naturally, this would affect the cruise schedule, so we just wanted to give you advance notice that we will not be going on the cruise and sincerely apologize for that. We think that everyone may benefit from taking a cruise to a warm, tropical location to start the year.

He went on, “I feel strong.” Even though I’m a little uncomfortable—it’s really difficult to hold a guitar up to my body—I’m not sure if I can sing because there’s one thing you can do to get better, but you also need to be in good performing shape, and I’m not even close to that—at least not to the point where it’s a performance worth discussing or writing about.

In a subsequent post, the band clarified that due to Malo’s ongoing recuperation, it will be missing performances in late January and early February.

“Unfortunately, Raul will no longer be performing at SPACE on January 31st and February 1st due to his ongoing treatment schedule,” the statement stated. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and value your patience during this difficult time. Malo, 59, shared a video on Instagram towards the end of June announcing his diagnosis.

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“We have been on a health kick out here on the road for the past couple of years,” he remarked. taking a little more care of ourselves. taking a little more care of ourselves and making a concerted effort to follow all the proper guidelines for diet, etc. Therefore, getting checked out is a part of the health journey. See a physician, have a physical, and begin there.

That’s what he did, Malo said.

According to him, that resulted in a CAT scan during a follow-up consultation with a gastrointestinal specialist. And it turned out to have two malignant areas.

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