The National Weather Service issued an updated ice storm warning for Clearfield, Cambria, Blair, Somerset, Bedford, and Fulton counties on Wednesday at 9:07 p.m., which will remain in force until Thursday at noon.

“Overnight and Thursday morning are predicted to see significant icing. The weather service states that snow and sleet accumulation of one inch or less comes before ice accumulations of one-quarter to one-half inch from freezing rain. “For the majority of the morning, freezing rain will be the most common type of precipitation.” Temperatures will rise above freezing in the morning, eliminating the possibility of freezing rain. Wind gusts of up to 20 to 30 mph are predicted, which will cause power outages as tree limbs are likely to break and strike power lines. Highs in the 40s will be reached in the afternoon.

“The ice is probably to blame for tree damage and power disruptions. It might be almost impossible to travel. “The Thursday morning commute may be affected by the dangerous conditions,” the weather agency said. “We strongly advise against traveling. If you have to go, make sure your car has food, drink, and an additional flashlight in case of an emergency. Be ready for any power disruptions. You can dial 5 1 1 to get the most recent road conditions for the state you are calling from.

United Robots offers a service called Advance Local Weather Alerts that gathers the most recent information from the National Weather Service using machine learning.

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