Paul Revere would most likely be yelling, “The cicadas are coming!” if he were still with us. Most likely.

And they’re coming: This spring, one of the biggest cicadas broods in the world will emerge in Pennsylvania.

According to, Pennsylvania will be one of 13 states where Brood XIV (14) will be present this spring. They will also appear in North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Georgia, Kentucky, Massachusetts, and Maryland.

According to the website, this brood includes all three of the 17-year-old species: Magicicada septendecim, Magicicada cassini, and Magicicada septendecula.

According to the University of Connecticut, Brood XIV is really the second-largest monthly brood. XIX is the biggest brood.

According to the University of Michigan, periodic cicadas are a member of the genus Magicicada and are located in eastern North America. Seven species have life periods of 13 years, three have 17-year cycles, and one new species was identified in 2000.

The 13-year species are typically found in the midwestern and southern regions, whilst the three 17-year species are typically found in the northern regions. In the 12 to 16 years between emergences, magicicada are almost nonexistent as adults due to their highly coordinated growth trajectory.

The University of Michigan adds that although they are sometimes referred to as locusts, they are not. Furthermore, despite their strange appearance, they pose no threat to people and are even edible.

It is anticipated that brood XIV will appear in mid-May. Late June will mark the conclusion of this emergence.

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Gardening with George Weigel

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