Plans are underway for a nonprofit organization to open a 50-meter aquatics training and competition facility in Derry Township.

The Derry Township board of supervisors gave SwimHershey conditional approval on Tuesday for its land development plan for the proposed center on Crystal A Drive.

Due to architectural type and, in a number of recent cases, the closing of existing facilities, the central Pennsylvania area is severely lacking in training and competition pools. Athletes from all backgrounds lack enough space to train, compete, stay healthy, pursue scholarships, and have their dreams recognized by their regional and national peers due to the pool shortage, which affects wellness, pool access, and aquatics opportunities for hundreds of residents in the area, the nonprofit said in a news release.

The facility space will be made accessible by SwimHershey to local organizations, including many nearby high schools and poolless groups.

Swimming, water polo, diving, and artistic swimming are all permitted in the pool. According to officials, its design will enable competition and training to take place at the same time.

This facility will be funded and brought to the community through grants and philanthropy, according to the nonprofit. SwimHershey, which is now in the capital fundraising stage, estimates that once sufficient funds are gathered for the project, building will begin in nine to twelve months.

An illustration of the proposed SwimHershey facility is shown.Rendering was supplied.

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Daniel Urie

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