Greetings, Miss MannersFrom my home, I operate a shop. Although most of it is done online, I do occasionally have consumers schedule in-store visits. Many of them simply text “I’m here” from their parked cars and wait for a text invitation of some sort.

This, in my opinion, is impolite and foolish. I’m waiting for someone to knock on my shop door. I have to check my phone for messages like this before going to the front door, only to discover that nobody is there. They wait for me to text back, “Come to the door,” even though they occasionally watch me open the door.

In any case, I’m waiting at my open door. Since some of them are even middle-aged, I would like to tell them to mature, but I obviously don’t want to alienate clients.

Is there a tactful approach to deal with this while still making the point that their actions are strange and disrespectful? Is it impolite of me to try to avoid this by texting something like, “Please ring the doorbell when you arrive?”

PERSONAL READER:This shop-at-home setup may seem natural to you, but it may be obtrusive to well-meaning folks. (Miss Manners will remind you that calling someone without first sending a text message is now considered impolite.)

Giving your clients advance notice that it’s okay to approach the house directly will grant them the necessary authorization. More significantly, it will prevent them from bothering you with pointless texts.

Greetings, Miss MannersFor days now, my husband and I have been fighting over something one of his pals did.

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A friend of ours has visited our new flat twice. On both occasions, he stayed with my husband for an hour or two before going outside to gather with others he had invited. They simply remain outside and speak, but the fact that he is sharing our address with individuals that I do not know and that we did not invite enrages me.

According to my spouse, doing such is commonplace and not a huge problem where they are both from. It’s dangerous and really impolite, in my opinion.

Additionally, he arrived at night three hours later than he had promised the last time he was here. We have decided not to host him any longer because I think he is an extremely impolite visitor.

Since these folks he invites at random to my house stay outside and don’t stay for long, do you think I’m overreacting?

GENTLE READER: Is there nowhere for this friend to go?

Miss Manners finds it strange that he would otherwise invite guests to your place. Regardless, she considers him to be an impolite visitor, and your choice to stop inviting him is a wise one.

Your husband can meet him outside of another friend’s house if he wants to keep the friendship going.

Miss Manners can be reached by email at [email protected], via her website at, or by mail at Miss Manners, Andrews McMeel Syndication, 1130 Walnut St., Kansas City, MO 64106.

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