Aerosmith is working on reassembling the band.

The iconic rock group is getting together for the sixth annual Jam for Jamie Grammy Awards Viewing Party, just five months after declaring they were retiring from touring.According to Rolling Stone, the event is connected to vocalist Steven Tyler’s Janie’s foundation, which aims to help traumatized girls and young women find healing and hope.

According to the website, the event will also benefit the Widows, Orphans, and Disables Firefighter’s Fund and the Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation.

The roster of performers at the event also includes Linda Perry, Joan Jett, and Billy Idol.

For those who can go or have the opportunity to see it, the good news is that Aerosmith is undoubtedly getting back together for this performance. The bad news is that this isn’t a return to the road.

Last August, Aerosmith made a surprise Instagram post announcing their retirement from touring.

According to the Instagram post, Aerosmith was born out of a spark of inspiration in 1970. That spark ignited and has continued blazing for more than 50 years because of you, our Blue Army. We built rock and roll history because of all of you, some of you have been with us from the start. Having our music become a part of yours has been the greatest honor of our life. You have included us in the music of your lives in every club, on every enormous tour, and at both private and opulent times.

The message went on to say, “We’ve always wanted to blow your mind when performing.” Steven’s voice is a unique instrument, as you are aware. He has been working nonstop for months to restore his voice to its pre-injury state. Despite having the greatest medical team by his side, we have witnessed him struggle. Unfortunately, it is evident that he will never fully recover from his vocal lesion. Our band of brothers has decided to retire from touring, which is a painful and challenging but essential decision.

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The band then thanked all of its supporters once more.

The message said, “We are incredibly thankful to everyone who was excited to travel with us one final time.” We are thankful to our amazing staff, our knowledgeable crew, and the thousands of gifted individuals who have helped us achieve these record runs. One last thank you to all of the world’s greatest fans. Now and always, turn up the volume on our music. Keep dreaming. Our dreams have come true because of you.

According to reports, Tyler, 76, broke his larynx during a performance in New York last year.

Since 1970, the group has been together.

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