Antonio Brown, a former wide receiver with the Pittsburgh Steelers, is calling his shot. When he is first eligible for entry into the Hall of Fame in 2027, the renowned and contentious former wide receiver for the Steelers thinks he will be accepted.

Brown wrote, “See you in Canton in 2027.”

Although Brown is among the best wide receivers of the 2010s, his final moments, from asking for a trade out of Pittsburgh to running off the field with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, may indicate that he will have to wait. When Terrell Owens was known for being a diva, he had to wait a long time, and Brown has been involved in far more incidents than Owens.

Brown has Hall of Fame-caliber stats, though. When he was a wide receiver with the Steelers during Killer B’s time, he went on one of the greatest runs in league history. Even though Brown accomplished a lot, it does not appear that he will be on the first ballot. That alone will probably get him in soon.

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