In Enola, Cumberland County, American Legion Post 751 is working to restore the World War II memorial monument that is situated on its grounds.

Situated at the intersection of North Enola Drive and West Shady Lane, the memorial was constructed and dedicated in 1949.

According to David Tyson, sergeant at arms at the garrison, the monument bears the names of 619 local soldiers who fought in World War II.

Combat deaths occurred for those with a star next to their name.

According to Tyson, the Enola Sportmen’s Association and the Historical Society of East Pennsboro worked together to restore the memorial in 2010 after some damage.Along with the flagpole that was placed in the center of the path, new granite plaques were installed.

However, he stated that the memorial now requires a complete renovation, which might come to about $70,000.

A portion of that would be used to create duplicates of three of the twelve broken and fallen plaques. According to Tyson, a fourth has fallen off but can be saved.

Nearly $14,377 has been raised so far, including a recent $1,000 donation from the 82nd Airborne Division Association’s Central Pennsylvania chapter.

Three of the plaques have broken into pieces, while four have fallen off. One of them is this.Tyson, David

Additionally, according to Tyson, the Vietnam Veterans of Mechanicsburg, a nonprofit group, donated $1500 last year and will match that amount in the first half of this year.

Tyson said he submitted calls for funds to over 50 local American Legions and VFWs, and the group has placed a few collecting boxes across the town.

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Only a few have replied thus far.

An account of the World War II memorial located on the grounds of Cumberland County’s American Legion Post 751.Post 751 of the American Legion

Contributions may be made to the Clifford D. Bryner American Legion Post 751, 295 W Shady Lane, Enola, Pa. 17025, by cash or check with the memo line “memorial fund.”

Tyson believes that the community will be quite happy when the restoration is finished. He explained that it’s a place where various services are held, ranging from Memorial Day to Veterans Day. There are several names on the plaques that he recognizes from his childhood visits to his parents’ store in town, and both of his parents served in World War II.

In the end, Tyson said the memorial is a significant part of the history of our city and our American Legion, and completing the restoration will help guarantee that the warriors whose names are on it are never forgotten.

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