This past weekend, Parker McCollum began his tour at Penn State, but things did not go as expected.

Before departing the stage, the young country music singer apologized to his fans and said he was feeling under the weather. He didn’t seem to have much fun when he returned to social media on Tuesday to provide an update on what transpired that evening.

The long story short, I had maybe two people left from a meet and greet before the event when, out of nowhere, Bam In a video posted on his Instagram, he remarked, “I felt it in my stomach.” “Dude, I’m going to get really, really sick,” I said. I sat with my head in my lap for nearly an hour, attempting to induce vomiting since I felt something was seriously up, to see if it would help me feel better. When performance time came around, I decided to give it a shot even though I couldn’t really do it.

McCollum claimed that for the first few songs, he felt OK.

And then it just became clear, and I’m sure you could sense in the crowd, that I wasn’t doing well up there, the more I sang and pushed, he added. In all the years I’ve been doing this, I’ve never had to leave the stage in the middle of a performance. Having to end a show like that, especially at such an early hour, was the worst thing ever.

When he left the stage, McCollum claimed he made a beeline for his tour bus but failed to arrive.

He claimed that for roughly ten minutes, I was in the bushes feeling as violently ill as I had ever felt in my life. I was really ill and spent the following 48 hours essentially in the fetal position. I’m just as sick as I’ve ever been in my life. I hope no one experiences that. However, I feel a little better now.

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McCollum stated that although he isn’t entirely sure, he believes he will be fine for his gigs this weekend.

“That wasn’t how I wanted the first weekend of the tour to go,” he remarked. I really want to thank all of the Pennsylvania fans for coming. The atmosphere in the crowd was electrifying. It could not have been more different. The arena was completely booked, and everything was set up for a fantastic performance during the first weekend of the tour.

He said, “You have my word.” We are arranging a time to return and show up for you guys at some point this year. I am so grateful for everyone’s support and for checking in with me.

Parker McCollum (@parkermccollum) shared a post.

McCollum was seen on camera pausing just before his performance versus Penn State on Saturday.

Penn State He then informs the audience, “I sincerely apologize, I’m going to call the show.” Every single one of you will receive a refund from me.

He said, “I apologize from the bottom of my heart for having to do this.” In all the years that I have been performing country music, I have never done this. I truly apologize. I’m hoping you’ll pardon us.

He went on to say, “We’ll return and make it up.” I’ll reimburse you for every penny you spent tonight. Many thanks.

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