They seemed to turn off the lights and pull Billy Ray Cyrus off the stage because of how awful his performance was at Monday night’s Liberty Ball.

Some admirers were even concerned about his well-being.

Why was it so awful? If you missed it, Cyrus had a number of technical difficulties, including the inability to switch on his guitar at one point.

“Am I still playing my guitar?” he asked out loud. I believe they interrupted me. Is my guitar in good condition? I no longer hear my instrument. Verify. Oh, check. Is anyone up? I can’t hear it? Is anyone listening to this?

Until someone eventually emerged and played with the guitar, he didn’t seem to be getting much reaction from the others on stage.

He remarked, “I bet I got excited and unplugged it.”

Additionally, he seemed to be lip syncing, and he didn’t sound well when he took the mic and began singing without any music.

Brooks Johnson wrote on X that Trump should pardon Billy Ray Cyrus for the performance as it was illegal.

Website for country music After they shut out the lights on Cyrus, he finally seemed to be removed off the stage, according to Whiskey Riff, who termed it a train wreck.

On Tuesday, Cyrus responded to the performance on Instagram.

“Whether my guitar, microphone, and monitors worked or not, I wouldn’t have missed the honor of playing this event,” he wrote. President Donald J. Trump invited me to go, so I did. Last night, I had a great time at the Liberty Ball, and I’ve learned over the years that when the producer says, “Go entertain the crowd,” even if the equipment breaks down. We had a great time, and I was there for the people. We call that rock ‘n’ roll!

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The performance is available here.

Billy Ray Cyrus apparently had a lot more going on at the Liberty Ball today than just technical difficulties!You must now watch and listen to it, just like I did!t5PNm5IjUF

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