There are several various markets and betting lines posted for President Donald Trump’s second term, and you can find one for almost anything in 2025.

One is whether he will serve a third term, and at the moment, Kalshi, the betting market, offers him a 10% chance of doing so, even though the Constitution officially forbids it.

Conversely, the market is also providing chances on whether Trump will be ousted from office and impeached.

According to the website, Trump had a 12% chance of that occurring on the day of his inauguration. It now has a 17% chance of happening after Trump shook things up for a few weeks.

The odds are updated every day, so if you want to stay up to date and watch a bunch of other Trump lines, you can do so here.

Since Trump took office, the government has been in disarray for the past few weeks, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the market is responding somewhat to the volatility. The way the president’s actions turn out will probably have a big impact on whether the prop becomes more likely to succeed.

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