Here are Friday, January 31st’s best girls basketball performances in the Mid-Penn Conference.
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In a 59-30 victory over Hershey, Lyla Kaercher and Cedar CliffKaecher scored 17 points.
McIlquham, Breanna, WaynesboroMcIlquham defeated East Pennsboro 53–21, finishing with 33 points and 10 rebounds.
NorthernFreese defeated Middletown 56-49 in overtime thanks to 15 points from Abby Freese.
NorthernLehman defeated Middletown 56-49 in overtime with to 12 points from Anna Lehman.
Northern Montgomery defeated Middletown 56-49 in overtime thanks to ten points from Liz Montgomery.
Middletown’s Jayla Koser scored 21 points during the team’s 56-49 overtime defeat to Northern.
In MiddletownCleland’s 56-49 overtime defeat to Northern, Emma Cleland scored 10 points.
Kimmel Molly of Boiling SpringsKimmel helped the team defeat Big Spring 44-31 with 19 points.
Big Spring’s Ophelia Radabaugh scored 14 points during the team’s 44-31 defeat against Boiling Springs.
Jaycee Martin, Township of SusquehannaMartin helped the team defeat Bishop McDevitt 68-49 with 19 points.
Kyra Jackson, Township of SusquehannaIn a 68-49 victory over Bishop McDevitt, Jackson recorded a double-double with 13 points and 15 rebounds.
Bishop McDevitt was defeated 68-49 by Susquehanna Township Archer, who scored 15 points.
Susquehanna Township’s Aaliyah Barnes scored 10 points as the team defeated Bishop McDevitt 68-49.
Susquehanna Township defeated Bella Jones and Bishop McDevitt Jones 68-49, with Jones scoring 18 points.
Bishop McDevitt and Elle Osevala both scored 17 points during the team’s 68-49 defeat at the hands of Susquehanna Township.
Mechanicsburg resident Asha PrattPratt helped the team defeat Milton Hershey 62-29 with 16 points.
Mechanicsburg resident Lauren LeboLebo defeated Milton Heshey 62-29 with 14 points.
Yanoski, Maycee, MechanicsburgYanoski helped the team defeat Milton Hershey 62-29 with 11 points.
In a 62-29 defeat against Mechanicsburg, Milton HersheyMomoh and Angelina Momoh each scored 16 points.
In a 42-33 victory over Red Land, Elyse Ancharski and Palmyra Ancharski each scored 13 points.
In a 42-33 victory over Red Land, Addie and Palmyra Salus both scored ten points.
Palmyra Margut defeated Red Land 42-33, with 10 points by Mackenzie Margut.
In a 42–33 defeat against Palmyra, Karli DaCosta of Red LandDaCosta scored 14 points.
In a 30-28 victory over Mifflin County, Alexa Misiolek of Lower Dauphin scored 14 points.
Peachey, Mackenzie, Mifflin CountyPeachey scored 12 points in Lower Dauphin’s 30-27 defeat.
Kiersten Swan, Antrim’s GreencastleSwan helped the team defeat Gettysburg 63-51 with 15 points.
Greencastle-AntrimCarey scored 12 points as the team defeated Gettysburg 63-51.
Greencastle-Antrim Sophie Fries scored 12 points as the team defeated Gettysburg 63-51.
Gettysburg’s Isabelle Sites scored 15 points during the team’s 63-51 defeat against Greencastle-Antrim.
Harnish, Allie, GettysburgGreencastle-Antrim defeated Harnish 63-51, despite Harnish scoring 10 points.
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