The National Weather Service issued a revised flood watch for Westmoreland Ridges and Fayette Ridges, as well as Westmoreland and Fayette counties, on Friday at 3:59 a.m., with an expiration date of 1 p.m. on Saturday.

Commentary from the weather service: “Flooding caused by excessive rainfall continues to be possible.”

The meteorological service notes that “localized flood issues may result from rapid rises on rivers from rain and snow melt exacerbated by ice jams.” “You should keep an eye on upcoming forecasts and stay vigilant for any potential flood warnings. Residents who live in flood-prone locations should be ready to act if flooding occurs.

Breaking down weather alerts: advisories, watches, and warnings

When a flash flood is approaching or already happening, a warning is sent. Get to high ground right away if you’re in a flood-prone location. A flash flood is a quick, intense flood that can form in a matter of minutes to hours. Even in places that don’t get rain right away, flash floods can happen.

When flooding is about to occur or has already started, a flood warning is issued.

When flooding is not predicted to be severe enough to warrant a warning, a flood advisory is issued. But if care is not taken, it could result in circumstances that endanger life and/or property and cause a great deal of discomfort.

When the weather is conducive to flooding, a flood watch is issued. Flooding is not guaranteed, but it is a possibility.

Be flood-ready: Expert guidance from the weather service for your safety

Knowing and adhering to the weather service’s flood safety recommendations can be extremely helpful when camping in low-lying areas or in places that are prone to flooding:

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Go to a higher location:

Moving to higher ground is the first line of defense if you live in an area that floods easily or are camping in a low-lying area.

Observe evacuation directives:

Respond quickly to any evacuation orders issued by local authorities. Secure your home by locking it before you leave.

Cut off appliances and utilities:

Disconnect your appliances and utilities if you have the time. By doing this, the possibility of electrical risks during floods is decreased.

Avoid drowned places and flooding basements:

Avoid basements or rooms with electrical outlets or cords submerged in water. This lessens the chance of electrical mishaps.

Quickly leave for your safety:

Evacuate right away if you see sparks or hear popping, crackling, snapping, or buzzing noises. Avoid going into water that might be electrically charged.

Avoid the floodwaters:

Never try to cross flooding on foot. Six inches of quickly flowing water can knock you off your feet with force.

When stuck, look for higher ground:

If you find yourself caught by flowing water, get to the highest position you can and call 911 to get help.

Flooding is a possibility when there is a lot of rain, especially in low-lying or flood-prone locations. Even if it looks shallow, it is imperative that you never drive across water on the road. The weather service claims that most cars can be washed away by as little as 12 inches of swift-moving water. Put your safety first by being aware and ready.

Navigating rainy roads: Safety tips for wet weather

Roads can become dangerous when it rains. Keep yourself updated and heed these weather service recommendations to stay safe during periods of intense precipitation:

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Watch out for flooding rivers:

When it rains a lot, stay clear from parking or strolling near culverts or drainage ditches since the swift-moving water could carry you away.

Keep your distances from other vehicles safe:

To keep a safe following distance behind the car in front of you, follow the two-second rule. To account for decreased traction and braking efficiency in heavy weather, give yourself an extra two seconds.

Reduce your speed and drive carefully:

Lowering your speed is essential on wet roads. To prevent skidding, gently release the gas pedal and refrain from applying sudden braking.

Pick your lane carefully:

On multilane highways, stay in the middle lanes to reduce the chance of hydroplaning because water tends to pool in the outer lanes.

Visibility is important.

Turn on your headlights to improve visibility in severe rain. Rain-stained windows can make it difficult to see cars in blind zones, so be especially alert for them.

Be cautious on slick roads:

Because of a combination of rain, oil, and grime, roadways are at their slickest during the first 30 minutes of precipitation. Be especially careful during this time.

Stay a safe distance away from big cars:

Tire spray from big vehicles and buses can make it harder to see. Pass them quickly and safely, and refrain from tailgating.

Be mindful of your wipers:

You may greatly lower dangers and protect your health when it rains a lot by adhering to these safety precautions. To ensure a safe and sound voyage, keep yourself updated on weather conditions and follow local authorities’ instructions.

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United Robots offers a service called Advance Local Weather Alerts that gathers the most recent information from the National Weather Service using machine learning.

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